Sunday, November 15, 2009

You do too!

Alright, what’s new. I always want to write these dang things, but never find any words to share over this beautiful world wide web. Oh well.

I’m starting my application to travel abroad next year. Goodness, I honestly hyperventilate when I think about it. It’s surreal! This time next year I would be in Murcia… enjoying the sun, the Spanish culture, and planning my next trip to some place amazing in Europe. My heart smiles and my stomach does a flip whenever I think about it… seriously!

I register tomorrow for spring classes, which is basically a reminder of how much longer I’ll be here and not Spain. Oh well. Patience, obviously something I’m learning right now! Got a couple classes I’m excited about. To get my science credit out of the way I’m going to take oceanography! My buddy Wes convinced me, and by that I mean mentioned that he was taking it and I immediately said yes, haha. It’s going to be great! Also, I want to be a live lab leader next semester, which is basically a Spanish T.A. but you have your own class/group of kids that you help out and plan sweet activities with. I am mega-hyped to have fun with kiddos in 202 learning about sweet stuff that I already know! I’ll have a full-on field day, I tell ya.

January is comin up! Hawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :) mmm, yes please. I cannot wait for that as well! Sara and I getting way stoked on our sweet trip, learning about the Hawaiian people and seeing the sights. I think I heard that we go on a submarine or something. Yikes, I’m going to be so scared, but it’ll be fine. If I can survive a ride in a tiny airplane being driven by my 15 year old brother, I think I can do that.

Let’s see, it was Nikki’s birthday last Wednesday. 20 years young. CRAP. Not sure how I feel about being not a teenager, well no that’s not true. I feel alright about it. Once I’m 30 I’ll have reason to lament. For now I’ll just shut it and enjoy being a kid for as long as humanly possible, and then some. And then some after that, just to tick everyone off.

Also: NEW COUCH IN OUR COMMON ROOM. Yes, I realize this may sound like a mundane, lame, no good thing to talk about, but CRAP. Let me tell you, LET ME TELL YOU! It’s so comfy, and I’ve sat here all afternoon/night. This is amazing. I’ll take a photo someday. I think I’ve adopted it as my child, that’s how much I love it.

Well, I think that’s it. OH, no it’s not. Kaitlin and Kayla came up yesterday, and we all chilled with Eileen and did fun stuff like ate Bruchi’s and slurpees and went to Forever 21 and cried for days! Yeah, in a good way.

Okay, that’s officially it. I can’t wait for Thanksgiving. I wanna see my familyyyyyyyyy. I love you guys.

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