Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Countdown? Is that lame?

Holy crap! I leave in a month and some change!

Insanity. I can’t believe I’m this far! Plans are materializing… things are actually happening towards this adventure of a lifetime. I can’t explain how excited I am. I’M SO EXCITED! Wait no, that doesn’t explain it well enough. I’m excited, nervous, elated, anxious, stoked, freaked-out, antsy, pumped, totally ready, not ready at all, hyperventilation-y and a little shaky.

Anyways, this summer has been spectacular. Dang, it’s been a sweet summer: seeing friends from home, settling into my new house, making TASTY dinners with my friends, spontaneous trips to Seattle/surprise visits from Brent, family time and everything in between. It’s been so great, truly.

So today I met with Angie to discuss all things Spain. She studied there last semester and was extremely helpful, answering all my questions and providing heaps of Spain/Europe wisdom! Also, Angie went to RHS so we know she’s a winner. Her enthusiasm was so beneficial to my anxious nerves. Angie gushing, “you’re going to have the best time!” really helps me to see past my fears and embrace this amazing opportunity entirely!

I’ve got an incredible summer lined up, too. The chances of it flying by so quickly are very likely, so my plan is to enjoy every second! Boat races are this weekend! aka Denslow Family Bonanza! Brent and I are hopping back up to Spokane on Saturday for his old housemate’s wedding, but obviously we’ll be back Sunday for the big show :)

Enjoy the remainder of your July everyone!

1 comment:

Kerri said...

am sooo excited to come see you!! :)